Come see a list of our specials, coupons, and offers at The Weather Changers in Aurora, Co! Find what works best for you and let us know if you’d like to move forward with one of these options. One coupon may be used per customer, and coupons must be presented either before or during the time of service. Find our Heating and AC services to learn more!


HVAC and Air Conditioning (AC) Coupons and Deals

$50 Off

$50 Off Any Indoor Air Quality Products.*

(ex: UV lights, Humidifiers, electronic air filters)

Contact us at 303-340-0077 for more details.

*Coupon must be presented either before or at the time of service.

10% Off

10% Off Service or Repair*

Contact us at 303-340-0077 for more details.

*Only one coupon can be used per household. Coupon must be presented either before or at the time of service. Can’t be combined with membership plans or any other offers. Does not apply to new equipment installations.

Referral Program

If any of our customers pass our name along to friends and family, and they get new equipment installed, we have a referral program that awards $100!

Contact The Weather Changers Heating & Air Conditioning for more information!

Save $200

Save $200 on a New High-Efficiency Furnace or Air Conditioning Installation*

*Offer valid on a 96% AFUE (or higher) Furnace or 16 SEER (or higher) A/C Installation. One $200 discount per household.

Contact us at 303-340-0077 for more details.