The Weather Changers showcasing a humidifier filter pad in Aurora, CO

Winters in Denver, CO, have a reputation for being particularly cold. The mile-high city experiences frequent sub-freezing temperatures during the winter months, causing homeowners throughout the area to crank up their heaters to stay warm and cozy throughout beyond-chilly days and nights. However, with higher thermostat settings come dryer, hotter air. While this air certainly serves the purpose of keeping your home toasty when it’s needed most, it’s expensive and can cause both health issues and general discomfort over time. That’s why many homeowners have decided to install whole-home humidifiers throughout their residences. But is this the right move for your home? Explore the key details about these home appliances, their pros, and their cons to determine whether or not investing in humidifiers is the right move for your home and budget.

What Is It?

A whole-house humidifier is, simply put, a larger and much more powerful version of tabletop humidifiers you might find in your local department store. They turn water into a vapor and inject it into the air in your home to keep it from becoming too dry and uncomfortable. This process is especially important for those with skin problems or breathing problems. It helps prevent the worsening of these issues that sometimes occur from prolonged contact with dry, hot air.

How does a humidifier work? It starts with installation. Your central humidifier should be installed by experienced professionals and will be installed within your ductwork, near the furnace or heat source itself. Additionally, the humidifier is connected directly to your home’s water supply. Depending on the model you choose, your humidifier will contain either a steam system, a rolling drum, or a humidifier pad. While running, water will pass over or through these systems, keeping a constant flow of water at the ready. When air entering the ductwork passes through the humidifier, it evaporates this water and adds moisture to the air, which is then carried to the various rooms within your home via the ductwork, thus raising the humidity levels in every room.

As is the case with any new appliance, there is a long list of pros and cons to consider when choosing a single large whole-house humidifier over a series of portable ones. Consider them carefully to ensure you’re making a well-informed decision regarding your home’s winter indoor air quality and your budget at the same time.


The first significant benefit of adding a whole-house humidifier to your home is unbeatable humidity control. Humidifiers of this variety come with a humidistat, which allows homeowners to directly control the humidity levels they’d like to see within their homes. This is much more convenient than dealing with a small, portable humidifier that has no settings and may not make a room humid enough – or that might make it too humid.
Low maintenance is another big boon to those who choose to install in-duct humidifiers before the winter months. Portable humidifiers need to be refilled and cleaned often, which is inconvenient at the best of times. Meanwhile, whole-house humidifiers are hooked directly into your water supply, meaning you never need to fret about fill-ups. Additionally, filters and other aspects of the bigger machine only need to be cleaned or replaced once per year, and this can sometimes be performed by a team of professionals during maintenance stops, making your job easier than ever.

Did you know that your home’s air quality has a huge impact on your overall health? This is especially true during the winter months when you’re likely spending more time indoors in your Denver, CO, home, and the air is dryer than ever before. Another big benefit of installing a home humidifier is that it boosts your health during these months. By maintaining an ideal humidity range of 30 to 40 percent within your home, you can actually help reduce the likelihood of developing a wide variety of respiratory infections and illnesses.

If you’ve ever used a portable humidifier before, you’re already familiar with its main drawbacks; they’re often incredibly loud, and they always seem to get in the way. This is not the case when it comes to using a central humidifier. These appliances are designed to work quietly, meaning you won’t need to suffer that rumbling or buzzing noise while enjoying your properly moisturized air. Because they’re installed directly into your ductwork, they also stay out of the way and never take up valuable floor or tabletop space throughout your home.


One leading concern for homeowners who install whole-house humidifiers is the development of mold and mildew. While properly humidified air is crucial to the health of human beings, it’s also crucial to the health of mold and mildew, unfortunately. More moisture means more opportunities for growth to occur throughout your home. However, regular cleaning and changing your filter should discourage this from ever becoming an issue.

Another major con that homeowners can’t help but notice is the cost of installing one of these appliances in their home. While a portable humidifier could easily cost $100 or less, the average central humidifier is estimated to cost between $400 and $1200, depending on the model chosen – and that doesn’t include the cost of installation, just the unit itself. This can be a pricey investment for many homeowners, but at the end of the day, it’s a one-time expense that brings a great deal of comfort to your home throughout Denver’s cold, dry winters. Additionally, you may be able to find an installation team that offers financing and other money-saving methods throughout the process, which can help cut back on the total cost of your unit.

A third and final drawback of central humidifiers is that they can sometimes accidentally mask other issues with your ductwork, namely air leaks and cracks. Low home humidity can occur from holes in your ductwork. By installing a humidifier and eliminating this symptom, you’re removing a tell-tale sign that professionals might look for in order to diagnose such an issue. The key is to have a team of knowledgeable professionals perform a thorough inspection of your ductwork and other parts of your system prior to installation.

Humidify Your Home Properly This Winter

If you’re tired of the dry skin and drier lungs you experience every year when wintertime rolls around, it’s time to look into investing in a central humidifier for your home. While the project can tend toward the expensive side, it’s an investment in comfort, health, and efficiency in the long run. Whether you’re just looking for more information on this cutting-edge tech or you’re ready to take the plunge and have one installed right away, the experienced professionals at The Weather Changers are here to help. With over a decade of experience in the area, we know what members of our community truly need in order to stay safe, comfortable, and warm throughout even the harshest winter weather, and our highly qualified technicians ensure that every job is performed according to the books, without ever cutting corners. Contact us today to begin planning for your new whole-home humidifier.

Featured Image: Lost_in_the_Midwest/Shutterstock